Welcome to Iconica Shop

Trendy women's clothing, accessories, shoes and bags available at Iconica Shop.

We select the best pieces every season, with new arrivals every week of the latest trends from the best Italian brands.

We create unique outfits and combinations for you dedicated to every occasion of your life!

Ceremony, work, free time, casual, home, Comfy Style.

With us you will always be perfect with an iconic style!

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Featured Product

Ovyรฉ leather boot

Fantastic Ovye' knee high leather boot with square heel and pointed toe.

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Featured Product

Haveone 1000 Striped Velvet Trousers

Mandy trousers in micro ribbed velvet.
High waist, slightly elasticated. With cuff at the end.

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The quality of Made in Italy

In our women's online store you will find all the contemporary styles with new weekly arrivals from the best Made in Italy brands.